Are Cheap Online RN to BSN Programs Accredited?

acccreditation of affordable online rn to bsn
Check with your state to make sure your affordable online RN to BSN degree program is accredited.

Many online RN to BSN programs are accredited. Accreditation is an important guarantee that a degree will be recognized by a prospective employer or as a prerequisite for further education, like an masters or doctoral degree.

Accreditation of institutions of higher learning is done by each state in conjunction with regional and professional accrediting organizations and then overseen by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is an ongoing process that requires periodic reviews for maintaining the accreditation.

By contacting the state Department of Higher Education where the school is located, you can check on accreditation of a degree program.

Resources on Cheap and Affordable RN to BSN Program

Background of Online RN to BSN Degree Programs

Many registered nurses are looking for a cheap RN to BSN degree program to advance their careers. The RN to BSN degree is specifically designed for working registered nurses with Associate Degrees who want to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. It is also possible to earn a BSN without first becoming an RN, but this is a separate academic pathway from the RN to BSN degree program.

Online learning has advantages for working RNs, and many RNs continue working full-time while getting an online degree. Online courses can be done at flexible hours and places, and a new student can often enter an online program at any time of the year, unlike campus based programs that have set start dates for semesters and quarters.

The BSN degree allows nurses career advancement into specialized nursing positions in hospitals and clinics. Other BSN graduates move up from practicing nursing into leadership and administrative roles. Some find employment outside of hospital settings in research and consulting jobs.

Nurses with a BSN degree earn salaries averaging 30 to 50 percent more than nurses with an RN degree. The median salary for staff nurses with a BSN degree was approximately $78,000 in 2010, and specialized care nurses earned an average of $90,000 a year, according to Many employers also offer BSN graduates generous benefit packages and signing bonuses as well.

How to Find Cheap RN to BSN Programs Online

Finding affordable RN to BSN programs online is easy by doing a web search. Choosing one can be harder. Besides accreditation, tuition cost and availability of scholarships and financial aid are the next points to consider. When considering cost, also look at other fees that may apply, like application fees, transcript fees, books and supplies, that may or may not be included in the tuition amount.

Other institutions have other courses of study besides nursing, like SUNY Delhi, a part of the State University of New York system. SUNY Delhi offers online RN to BSN for tuition of $3007.50 per semester with full time academic load. Three semesters are needed for graduation.

University of Texas Arlington is another accredited state university offering cheap RN to BSN programs online for a tuition of $8,995 for the complete program.