A career in educational technology, or EdTech, is a career immersed in exciting, new, tech-driven ways to teach and learn. To gain entry into a career associated with EdTech, several degree options will do the trick. Here are some of those great options right now.

Engineering Degree

Engineering is the school of science focused specifically on the designing and material creation of various structures, items, and even concepts. An engineering degree asserts the grad as an accomplished student of many building and design concepts and thus as being ready for any number of in-demand jobs. The design and creation of educational technology is an increasingly common business model. An engineering degree can position anyone to be right in the middle of organizations with ongoing work in EdTech product development today.

Education Administration Degree

Educational administration is the professional-level management of an educational institution and all that goes on within it. There is certainly much activity that takes in this sort of work environment, and administrators and managers with this particular degree head much of that very action. Working in some of the education industry’s other various roles can also place one in line to work with EdTech. Working as a lead administrator offers the unique, upper, decision-making abilities with which to be sure of an institution much involved with EdTech.

Industrial Design Degree

Industrial design majors can also go on to find many, great career opportunities with which to be regularly involved with educational technology. The US government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics says industrial designers “combine art, business, and engineering to make products that people use every day. Industrial designers consider the function, aesthetics, production costs, and usability of products when developing new product concepts.” Those with an industrial design degree also gain the freedom to explore work in other, similar career areas which also can lead to EdTech work of all kinds.

Marketing Degree

Yet another way into a great job that is highly associated with educational technology is through a marketing degree. Per the American Marketing Association, marketing is officially defined as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” Marketing is the process companies use to communicate with the public and spread awareness of its products and services. New EdTech products and services also rely on marketing to gain public awareness and sales traction.rely on marketing to gain public awareness and sales traction.

EdTech is a quickly growing area of the industry today. There are many ways to gain entrance into this career. For those interested in a career in educational technology, these five, great degree options certainly unlock many of those very possibilities.

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