Helpful Podcasts for K-12 Teachers
- Ask SimpleK12
- The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast
- The Early Childhood Research Podcast
- Truth for Teachers
- The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
Podcasts for elementary education teachers come in many different forms, but the best ones are devoted to every aspect of student care. Nurturing young minds is a lot more complicated than finger-painting and hand-washing so teachers need to be prepared to handle all of the physical, mental and emotional needs of their students as they grow. If you’re going into the teaching industry, here are five podcasts that might interest you.
1. Ask SimpleK12
Ask SimpleK12 is a straightforward question-and-answer podcast where the hosts give advice on everything from standardized tests to how to find the best art printables. Billing itself as “real teachers, real answers,” it brings in all kinds of educational experts to provide different ideas, opinions and viewpoints. It’s also handy for building your database of apps and websites that provide freebies. SimpleK12 can be a great starting point for teachers who want to get their feet wet in the ocean of educational podcasts.
2. The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast
Educational technology has become a major source of both celebration and consternation for the modern teacher. If you find yourself confused by what it all means, The Google Teacher Tribe Podcast can help. It breaks down a lot of different technologies that you can utilize in your classroom, and it offers suggestions and how-to guides for incorporating them into your curriculum. In an increasingly digital world, EdTech might be just what you need to reach your young students, so give a listen to broadcasts like “GSuite Templates for Your Classroom” and “Amazing Add-Ons for Google Docs.”
3. The Early Childhood Research Podcast
Aimed specifically at parents and teachers who are interested in early childhood development, The Early Childhood Research Podcast covers things such as dyslexia, autism, bullying, nutrition, education, literacy and classroom management with young kids. It’s an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the way that growing minds see the world. Some of the podcasts are more focused on parenting than teaching, but all of them have valuable information that can be applied to a school setting.
4. Truth for Teachers
Truth for Teachers covers a wide variety of educational topics ranging from managing your time in the classroom to handling students with behavioral issues. It offers tips, tricks and techniques for just about every subject and situation that you might find yourself facing. Truth for Teachers has helped a lot of people, and it might be the key to unlocking your own potential as an educator as well.
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5. The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast
The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast tackles everything from classroom management to educational reform in long, detailed podcasts filled with the latest in trends, statistics and scientific research. It’s also one of the rare podcasts that focuses on teacher welfare just as much as student development. “Twelve Ways Teachers Can Build Their Emotional Resilience” is offered right alongside “Implementing a Classroom Management Plan that Works,” so you can take advantage of well-rounded advice to improve yourself as a person as well as an educator.
Whether you’re a teacher standing in front of a classroom or an administrator working hard in a boardroom, it’s important to hone your craft with the help of outside resources. Use these five podcasts for elementary education teachers to supplement your own learning.