The typical master’s degree program requires at least 30 to 54 college credits, which can take two years to complete if you’re studying full-time – and even longer if you study part-time. However, online graduate accounting programs often offer students the opportunity to complete their degree requirements faster. By opting for an online education, you could start putting your degree to work in the professional world while other students are still sitting in a classroom. The length of time it takes to earn an online master’s in accounting degree varies from one school to the next, but it could be as short as a single year.
Factors That Make Earning an Online Degree Faster
You might be surprised how many students are, like you, striving to earn a master’s in accounting degree in less time than a traditional program would allow for. Nearly one in five online college students choose to study online specifically because they want to graduate faster, according to EdTech magazine.
Online degree programs can accomplish a faster completion time than traditional programs through different methods. Some offer accelerated courses, often starting numerous times in a single year. Others allow students to test out of courses if they already know the material from working in the field of accounting.
Despite the benefits, an accelerated graduate business degree program isn’t for everyone, according to U.S. News & World Report. Because students are completing the same quantity of credits and caliber of coursework as they would in a traditional two-year program, they’re essentially squeezing two years’ worth of work into a significantly shorter timeframe. That means their courses are more work-intensive and, often, more time-consuming. If you already have your undergraduate degree in the same field or a related field, you’re more likely to succeed than if you were starting your accounting education from scratch.
The Time It Takes to Earn a Degree at Top Online Programs
By choosing the right online master’s in accounting program, you may have the chance to earn your degree faster than you would at a traditional on-campus program. For example, the trimester schedule at New England College allows students to complete two courses in just seven weeks, finishing their degree requirements in fewer than two years. Franklin University offers an accelerated online master’s in accounting degree program that students can complete in just 17 months. This program can save students half a year of additional study time, tuition costs and delay in pursuing their career goals. Shorter University’s Master of Accountancy degree program takes as little as one year of study to finish, for students who already have an undergraduate accounting background.
Not every online master’s in accounting degree program features a faster completion time than the average on-campus program. If you’re interested in putting in the work to graduate early, make sure you choose a program that offers accelerated options.