Degrees Available at South University

South University appears in our ranking of the Top 50 Most Affordable MPH Online Programs.

Students may earn degrees on various campuses around the United States or online when they attend South University. The university is divided into six schools and colleges that include the School of Pharmacy, the College of Nursing and Public Health, the College of Theology, the College of Business, the College of Health Professions, and the College of Arts and Sciences.

Students who pursue degrees online have access to dozens of options, as well as a variety of degree styles within each topic of study. For example, accounting students may earn a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, a Master of Science in Accounting, or enroll in a BS to MS program that allows experienced students to earn their bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in accounting with a special curriculum.

One of the diverse areas of study at South University is business, and students can enroll in programs that feature classic topics like business administration and accounting, as well as modern pursuits like information systems and information technology. Other business-centric degrees include the Master of Science in Human Resources Management and the Master of Science in Leadership.

All of the business programs at South University are offered online, and some are also accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. Similarly, the university offers several healthcare degrees that are offered at multiple locations, as well as online. Options include the Associate of Science in Allied Health Science, the Master of Healthcare Administration, and the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management.

Like the university’s business programs, some of the healthcare degrees are accredited by organizations like the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs. Some programs also offer excellent track records for preparing students for industry tests and licensure. For example, the Master of Medical Science in Anesthesia Science has achieved a 100 percent pass rate for the classes of students that graduated in 2016, 2017, and 2018.

There is an online program in theology at South University that students may pursue, which awards a Doctor of Ministry degree for students who complete 96 credits in classes like World Religions, Leadership & Management in Ministry, and Clinical Pastoral Education.

Another area of study available to students is criminal justice and legal studies. There are four programs offered online and at various campuses. Degrees include an Associate of Science in Paralegal Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies, a Master of Science in Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. The legal studies and paralegal studies degrees are offered 100 percent online.

About South University

South University is located in Savannah, Georgia, and is a private university that has operated since 1899. The school was originally known as Draughan’s Practical Business College. In the mid-1970s, the school would become a junior college and would eventually become a four-year university in 2001. The school was renamed South University after the South family, who acquired the university in the 1970s.

The university would begin offering online classes in the early 2000s and would eventually see more than half of its students enrolled in online degree programs.  The university was also transformed from a for-profit institution to a not-for-profit school with the purchase. In addition to its Savannah campus, the university also has campuses in Florida, Georgia, Texas, and other states.

South University Accreditation Details

Regional accreditation for South University comes from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCC), which allows it to award associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Accreditation from the SACSCC covers the overall institution, and the university is also licensed to operate in several states where it has physical campuses. Approvals include those for operations in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and several other states.

Some of the programs at the university that are accredited include the business programs in areas like business administration and healthcare management, which are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs has accredited the university’s Associate of Science in Medical Assisting. The programs in legal studies and paralegal studies are both accredited by the American Bar Association.

South University Application Requirements

South University requests that students speak with an admissions representative to begin the application process. The representative will help the student determine the best degree program for the student’s educational and career goals. Students can also take a guided tour of the campus, as well as a virtual tour online. There are some programs that have unique application processes. Some programs also have high numbers of applicants for limited spots.

For example, the Doctor of Pharmacy program receives more than 900 applications each year for 165 available spots. Students will submit their application through the PharmCAS system, as well as submit transcripts, PCAT scores, and letters of recommendation. Similarly, the Anesthesiologist Assistant program is competitive, and students are asked to review the application procedure before submitting materials.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The estimated net price for attending South University is $29,959.00 for students who live on their own and are enrolled in undergraduate and certificate programs. The estimated cost for tuition and fees is $16,519.00, the estimated cost of room and board is $6,328.00, and the estimated cost of books and supplies is $1,500.00. The university also estimates that students will pay around $5,612.00 for personal expenses and costs like financial aid.

The university has a unique tuition reduction program were students that meet certain milestones will receive a discount on their tuition rate. For example, students who complete more than 45 credits will receive a discount of 10 percent on their tuition. Students who take more than 90 credits will receive a discount of 15 percent. There are additional tuition reduction options available for students who meet other thresholds.

Students may apply for federal student loans and grants by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In addition to federal grants and loans, students may also apply for and qualify for private scholarships, Veterans Administration (VA) benefits, tuition assistance from employers, and private loans. The university shares that most financial aid awarded to students at South University is offered based on the student’s need.